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Scare tactics.

After concepting and creating many blockbuster movie posters for renowned LA agency Seiniger Advertising, John Taylor Dismukes & Associates was selected to create a new campaign for Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights. With fierce competition from other regional amusement parks and other venues, attendance was dwindling and Universal was contemplating removing the event from its annual calendar. Under the direction of Mel Sant and Hal Kaufman, Dismukes & Associates was commissioned to create an attention-grabbing marketing campaign to re-energize the event. We agreed that the creative needed to be powerful, yet simple.

John Taylor Dismukes was the perfect choice to lead this project — his art has always been extreme. His team shot numerous reference photos of people, skulls and animal jaws under tightly pulled plastic bags, satin and other materials. It took an amazing amount of work to get the textures and feel just right. The initial designs were deemed “too scary” according to focus groups, so they were reworked to be more family friendly. The terrific collaborative team of Universal, Seiniger Advertising, and JTD & Associates enjoyed the entire creative exploration process.

Universal’s on-site billboards face the busy 101 freeway, and its trams are highly visible to passersby, so both were wrapped with the finished art to maximize ad dollars. Locals and tourists alike saw the artwork every day, which created quite a buzz.

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The result was an overwhelming success. Universal’s annual Halloween event has become legendary, and these campaigns were relicensed by Universal’s Florida Park. Since then, our team has continued to work with Seiniger Advertising to create the Islands of Adventure theme park logo, as well as campaigns for many Universal attractions, including Waterworld, Jaws, The Hulk, and their annual Christmas event.

Got a monster of an idea? Let us help you bring it to life.